Month: June 2015


The Whole Story

Recently my 5-year-old grandson, Dallas, asked, “Why did Jesus die on the cross?” So we had a little talk. I explained to him about sin and Jesus’ willingness to be our sacrifice. Then he ran off to play.

            A few minutes later, I overheard him talking to his 5-year-old cousin, Katie, explaining to her why Jesus died. Katie said to him, “But Jesus isn’t dead.” Dallas replied, “Yes. He’s dead. Grampy told me. He died on the cross.”

            I realized I hadn’t completed the story. So we had another talk as I explained to Dallas that Jesus rose from the…

Learning to Accept My Broken Family

“My biggest mistake in life is marrying you!” Since I was in kindergarten, I would often hear my parents hurl that statement at each other; they fought right before our eyes.

Marriage fellowship magnified!–Ron & Barbara’s Story

When the hearts of a husband and wife are connected in prayer, the fellowship they experience can be incredible! Ron and Barbara describe how God transformed their marriage when they surrendered their dreams to the Lord.

Do you need a place of escape?

We all need a place of safety to run to, a place where we can find shelter from the storms of life. Join us today as we discover a true sanctuary from trouble in Psalm 55.

Sacred Places

It was a holy place, a sacred place, a place unlike any other temple. Before there had come the marble and gold, altars and precious stones, columns, walls, and the Holy of Holies, it was a place of divine-human intimacy. The construction costs were relatively small, it had no great beauty, and it was nothing anyone would envy.

The Mysterious Prophecy of Isaiah 53: The Mysteries Explored

Exploring the ancient prophecy of Isaiah 53 is one of the most fascinating studies one can make. Some say it reveals the story of the Bible in just a few verses. At the heart of the mystery is identifying the one called “My servant.”

Judaism most often identifies the suffering servant as the people of Israel who also have suffered throughout history. Those who believe Jesus was the Messiah of Israel see Isaiah 53 as predicting Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, centuries before he lived. Can both interpretations find common ground?

Hosted from Israel, this 4-part DVD presents biblical scholars who discuss the clues and interpretations. Participants include Dr. Michael Rydelnik, Dr. Walter Kaiser, Dr. Michael Brown, and Dr. Darrell Bock.

Also included: Bonus 30-minute documentary exploring the historical and archeological setting for Isaiah’s prophecy of hope and redemption.

Closed Captioning for the hearing impaired.

Approximate running time: 150 minutes (30 minutes for each program)

Hidden Mysteries

Most of what goes on in the universe we never see. Many things are too small or move too fast or even too slow for us to see. Using modern technology, however, filmmaker Louis Schwartzberg is able to show stunning video images of some of those things—a caterpillar’s mouth, the eye of a fruit fly, the growth of a mushroom.

            Our limited ability to see the awesome and intricate detail of things in the physical world reminds us that our ability to see and understand what’s happening in the spiritual realm is equally limited. God is at work all around…

Discover the backstory to Psalm 55

The Psalms express feelings of joy and pain we’ve all experienced. That may be why they’re loved by so many people. Join us on “Discover the Word” today as we dive into Psalm 55, a song about the agony of betrayal.

A Friend in Need

Some dear friends of mine lost their little boy, Raphael, to death after just 8 weeks of life. Although my heart broke for them and I longed to be a comfort, I had no idea how to ease their pain.

When We Take our Families for Granted

Recently, I started watching an exciting Korean drama, “School 2015: Who Are You”. It tells the story of a pair of orphaned twin girls, Eun-Byeol and Eun-Bi, who were separated at birth.

Worth It All

By the end of the 4th century, followers of Christ were no longer being fed to the lions for the entertainment of Roman citizens. But the games of death continued until the day one man jumped out of the crowd in a bold attempt to keep two gladiators from killing each other.

            His name was Telemachus. As a desert monk, he had come to Rome for the holidays only to find himself unable to tolerate the bloodlust of this popular pastime. According to the 5th-century bishop and church historian Theodoret, Telemachus cried out for the violence to stop but was…

Exploring the Land of the Story: Unlocking Biblical Geography

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Discover How the Land and the Stories of the Bible Connect

Join Dr. John Beck and host Tim Jackson a video presentation from Our Daily Bread Ministries called Exploring the Land of the Story: Unlocking Biblical Geography. Dr. Beck will share his passion for both the Word of God and the Holy Land where these biblical stories were lived out.

In this video presentation, we…

Are you trying to run the other way?

Faced with growing stress and mounting troubles, a typical response is to try and run the other way. Today we’ll take a closer look at Psalm 55, which describes David’s wish to escape his problems. Is that where you are?

Toward the Small

Recently, after I had a terse interaction with my oldest son, my wife brought me aside and said, “I think you were a little hard on him. You really swelled up and charged into the situation with a lot of force.” It wasn’t that my son didn’t need to be corrected (he did), but the way I dealt with him didn’t express the gentleness my son needed.

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